FAQ - Greeting Cards

Greeting card questions? We've got answers! Browse our FAQs below to find quick solutions to common queries. If you can't find what you're looking for, don't worry - our friendly customer service team is always here to help, just give us a shout!

How long does shipping take?

How do I personalise my card?

Can I customise the inside message of a card, or choose to keep this blank?

Do you offer bulk discounts for large card orders?

What is your return or refund policy for cards?

Do you have any promotions or discounts available?

Are these cards eco-friendly / recyclable?

Are envelopes included?

Can I include a gift or additional items to be sent with the card?

Do you offer different sizes?

Can I preview the card online before purchasing?

Can I request a specific delivery date?

Still can't find what you're looking for?

Not to worry, we are on hand to help! Reach out to us by using our contact info or send a form by heading to our Contact Us page.